What is physical satisfaction law ?– If you realize that your partner cannot provide you physical satisfaction after marriage, then according to section 12 Hindu marriage act 1955 you can file for a divorce before one year of marriage you can Annulment your marriage.
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What is Annulment?
Annulment is a legal process for the declaration of marriage null and void.
Conditions for annulment of marriage
- If either of the spouses was already married at the time of marriage.
- if either of the spouses was too young to be married
- if either of the spouses was under the influence of drugs or alcohol during the time of marriage
- if either of the spouses is incompetent or of unsound mind during the time of marriage.
- if marriage was approved based on the fraud or force
- if either of the spouses is physically not able to satisfy their partner
- if either of the spouses has a life imprisonment sentence
- if either of the spouses is a drug addict or has any std(sexually transmitted disease)
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