Difference between Culpable homicide and Murder

Difference between Culpable homicide and Murder.

Difference between culpable homicde and muder. We have often come across these words in our daily life. Terrible incidents happen all over the world and we often hear that a man was charged with culpable homicide for killing another man. Or a man was charged with murder for killing his wife.

There has been the death of a victim in both cases, but both the accused are charged differently. So, in this article, we will discuss the difference between Culpable homicide and Murder.

Difference between homicide and murder.

Murder charges are pressed against an accused when the blow of the accused directly killed the victim. For example, If Abdul hits Rakesh on the head using a heavy rod and Rakesh dies, it will be a case of murder as the injury itself was fatal enough to take away the life.

Homicide charges are pressed against an accused when an injury caused by the accused was one reason that led to a victim’s death. For example, if Rakesh hits Abdul using a knife and makes a cut on his hand. But the cut on his hand was deep, so Abdul died from excessive blood loss. Here, Culpable Homicide charges will be pressed as the injury was not directly related to his death.

Hence, murder charges carries more severe sentence than a culpable homicide.

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