Is lane splitting legal in Montana?

Is lane splitting legal in Montana?
Is lane splitting legal in Montana?
Is lane splitting legal in Montana?

Lane splitting, which is the practice of a motorcyclist riding between lanes of traffic to pass other vehicles, is not explicitly legal or illegal in Montana. This means that there is no specific law that either permits or prohibits lane splitting in the state.

However, while lane splitting is not explicitly prohibited, it may be illegal under certain circumstances. For example, if a motorcyclist is driving in a reckless or dangerous manner while lane splitting, they may be subject to penalties for careless or reckless driving.

Additionally, some law enforcement officers in Montana may interpret lane splitting as a violation of existing traffic laws, such as laws against improper passing or driving on the shoulder of the road. In such cases, motorcyclists who are caught lane splitting may be subject to fines or other penalties.

Overall, while there is no specific law that either permits or prohibits lane splitting in Montana, motorcyclists who engage in this practice should exercise caution and be aware of the potential legal risks. It is important for all drivers, including motorcyclists, to follow traffic laws and drive in a safe and responsible manner.