About us
We are a bunch of 1st-year law students who intend to assist the common man to understand the law-side of things and help them perceive their basic rights.
Our Aim
Welcome to Lawfully Legal. Staying true to our tagline “Solving your Legal Puzzles”, we intend to explain basic legal issues in easy language. We at Lawfully Legal aim to answer all the general queries that a common man has to face in his day-to-day life.
People who are not connected to the legal fraternity face difficulties in understanding the legal language. We aim to bring the same quality of content in layman’s language. We want to cover all types of general legal queries that exists in the world.
However, we do not desire to stop at that. We also want to cover all the important issues going all around the world. We want to make this website a platform to raise a voice against the wrongs being committed in the world. We intend to bring forward an unbiased and law side of things.